Thursday, June 2, 2011

First Blog Post! May Charity

Sarah -

Some of you may have heard this story, but for the rest who haven't, here's how this little project got started. Evan's Kindergarten class at Brooksedge (greatest EVER btw, if you need a private Kindergarten... props!) was studying the Rainforests, and he announced to me in the car on the way to school one morning that humans were destroying the Rainforests. This was really upsetting to him. He actually said that he wanted to do something about it. I asked if he knew what a charity was, and so I explained, as best as I could to a six-year old, the concept of donating to charities. I said that, sort of like going into a store and buying something, you gave money to a charity but instead of leaving with a purchase, they used that money to help with whatever that particular charity was focused on. So if, for example, he wanted to use allowance money for a Rainforest charity, they would use that money to replant trees or rescue animals or help people who live there whose homes have been destroyed. He almost climed out of the seat asking, "Can I?!" when I said he was welcome to use allowance towards a charity if he wanted. (The generosity of heart with this kid never ceases to amaze and inspire me.) But then, I got to thinking. Until now, he has earned his allowance from his Daddy through his behavior at school and various other things (it can also be lost through negatitve actions). So rather than just a one-time, little donation, why not start a seperate allowance, also through an earning system, that goes into a charity account? We talked this over, and Evan loved the idea. So here is what we came up with. Each month we will research various charities and he will choose one for which to save. At the end of the month, everything he has earned will go to that charity, along with a letter or card written/made by Evan. As a final thought, this idea for a blog occurred to me more recently because he has been so into the idea of charity that it seems it may be something he sticks with for a while. I thought it might be fun to track and see as it develops. So join us if you like, as this little boy's love for good deeds and giving grows and expands. I have a feeling we're all in for a long and rewarding ride!

*NOTE: Evan's posts are word for word as he transcribes. Some will be his typing, some will be mine (depending on time constraints), but they are ALL his words exactly.*

Evan -

I've never done charities before and it's my first month doing charities. Why I picked the Rainforests and helping it is because there is lots of cool animals, like anacondas and crocodiles and caymans. I'm really sad that the Rainforest is dying. I'm doing charities because I like to do that because I like to save the Rainforests. That's what I want to say!